Nos installations sont conçues pour répondre aux divers besoins et intérêts de notre population étudiante, en fournissant un environnement dynamique pour l'activité physique et l'épanouissement personnel.
Niveaux de cours
Physical Activity and Health
L'objectif des cours d'éducation physique 109-101-MQ est d'exposer les étudiantes et les étudiants à la relation entre la santé, la condition physique et un mode de vie actif. En couvrant les neuf premiers chapitres du Manuel d'éducation physique, ils sont encouragés à analyser l'activité physique du point de vue des comportements de style de vie qui favorisent la santé.
Physical Activity and Effectiveness
L'objectif de la deuxième série de cours d'éducation physique, 109-102 (préalable au niveau 109-103), est d'encourager les étudiantes et les étudiants à utiliser une approche axée sur les objectifs pour améliorer l'efficacité d'une activité physique, qu'il s'agisse d'un sport, d'une activité d'expression corporelle ou d'une activité de plein air. Après une évaluation initiale, ils évaluent l'activité physique en fonction de leurs capacités et de leurs attitudes, ensuite ils se fixent des objectifs et essaient une approche visant à améliorer leur motricité, leur technique ou leur maîtrise de stratégies complexes. Enfin, la personne étudiante est appelée à évaluer son progrès.
Physical Activity and Autonomy
Ce cours vise à encourager la personne étudiante à intégrer l'activité physique à son mode de vie et à améliorer sa santé et sa condition physique en l'aidant à gérer les facteurs qui influencent l'activité physique. Pendant les heures de cours, les étudiantes et les étudiants appliqueront les connaissances acquises dans les deux premiers niveaux de cours. Par une pratique suffisante et régulière d'une activité physique orientée vers la santé, ils planifient, appliquent et évaluent un programme d'activité physique personnel sous la supervision du personnel enseignant. Les heures allouées au travail personnel permettent aux personnes étudiantes d'effectuer les travaux demandés, de pratiquer ses activités physiques et de développer un mode de vie sain.
Voici une liste des sections disponibles pour les différents niveaux de cours d'éducation physique (101,102,103). Consultez l'horaire des cours en direct(Master live schedule) lors de l'inscription pour connaître les sections disponibles chaque session.
This course exposes students to a variety of aquatic fitness activities including aquatic fitness, games, springboard diving, stroke improvement and basic lifesaving skills. Beginners are welcome.
This course gives the student the experience of working with young children in the pool environment. The students will organize and lead planned activities to familiarize the children with the water and introduce the basic swim skills. A portion of each class will provide a water workout to raise the student's own fitness and skill level.
This course is similar in nature to the range of fitness courses offered but students will also use the pool environment. A variety of exercise programs and fitness activities will be used. Pool games will help to increase cardio-vascular fitness and will focus on friendly competition.
This course is designed for the novice or non-swimmer who wishes to improve his/her swimming skills. Instruction in floating, basic strokes, correct breathing, and related water skills will help each student learn to move through the water comfortably, safely and more efficiently. Students will participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels.
This course is geared to the swimmer who is comfortable in the water but whose stroke mechanics require instruction to improve efficiency and enjoyment of swimming. A variety of water skills will be taught. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art and combat support system that focuses on grappling, especially ground fighting. BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, heavier, stronger assailant by using proper techniques, leverage and most notably taking the fight to the ground and then applying locks and chokeholds to defeat the opponent. BJJ training can be used for sport grappling tournaments and in self-defense situations. Beginners are welcome.
This course provides an introduction to the art of Karate, Japanese-Shotokan style, at the beginner level. Development of individual skill with concentration on stances and postures, basic blocks, etiquette and respect for others will be emphasized.
Students will learn the fundamental skills of badminton so as to benefit from the game as a lifetime leisure activity. The course will also include conditioning exercise for badminton and the use and understanding of playing strategy. Students will participate in in a variety of game situations and in class tournaments.
Students will learn the fundamentals skill of racquet sports like pickle ball and badminton. An emphasis will be placed on fitness, technique and strategy.
This course is designed for practice in the basic skills of basketball: shooting, dribbling, screening and rebounding. Course content will include rules of play, offensive and defensive patterns and inter-class games. Soccer In this class students will practice and develop individual soccer skills as well as understand the rules and strategies of the game. Students will participate in a variety of game situations and in class tournaments. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels.
This course will include basic skills, strategy, rules of floor hockey. Students will participate in a variety of game situations and in class tournaments and be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance.
In this class students will practice volleyball skills such as the serve, the bump, volley, the spike and the block. Through practice drills and play student will be able to improve their skills, and enjoy the game of volleyball. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels.
This course is designed to allow practice of the basic skills of Ultimate Frisbee. Lead-up games and rules will be integrated into the teaching of skills. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels.
Acro yoga is a physical practice which combines yoga and partner acrobatics. It is more vigorous and playful than many traditional yoga practices. In addition to the exercise and strength building aspects, the partner balancing will develop concentration, communication and teamwork. Beginners are welcome. No prior experience is required.
In this class, students will participate in a variety of fitness activities. Students will learn a variety of exercise options for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance as well as flexibility.
Students will learn the fundamental skills of badminton so as to benefit from the game as a lifetime leisure activity. The course will also include conditioning exercise for badminton and the use and understanding of playing strategy. Students will participate in in a variety of game situations and in class tournaments. Students will also be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance.
This course is designed for practice in the basic skills of basketball: Shooting, dribbling, screening and rebounding. Course content will include rules of play, offensive and defensive patterns and inter-class games. Students will also be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance.
This course will include basic skills, strategy, rules of floor hockey. Students will participate in a variety of game situations and in class tournaments and be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness activities as well as learn a variety of exercise options for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.
Students will learn and practice a variety of team sports which may include, but is not limited to, soccer, flag football, rugby, basketball, volleyball, tchoukball, dodgeball and floor hockey. Students will become knowledgeable with the rules, required skills and game strategies. Students will also be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance.
In this class students will practice volleyball skills such as the serve, the bump, volley, the spike and the block. Through practice drills and play student will be able to improve their skills, and enjoy the game of volleyball. Students will participate in a variety of game situations and in class tournaments. Students will also be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance.
By training through walking, a low-stress activity, students will be exposed to the basic principles of training for fitness. Students should come to appreciate how physical fitness can contribute to their own health and well-being. Walking sessions will take place outdoors. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness activities as well as learn a variety of exercise options for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.
In this class the students will be exposed to a variety of weight training programs and their relationships to an overall fitness program. This will be accomplished through the use of selected weights and weight training machines with the addition of a cardiovascular component.
The course aims to teach the basic knowledge and rules of wrestling, the fundamental positions & holds and to develop an interest in the sport. Students will also be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance.
This class will expose students to group fitness exercise options to develop personal fitness levels. Students will participate in a variety of group fitness exercise options which include: step, athletic conditioning, boot camp, circuit classes, boxing, yoga as well as muscular conditioning exercises using weights, tubing, and exercise balls.
In this course, students will learn about the links between sustainability, well-being, and fitness, and will learn skills to improve their fitness and well-being in a sustainable way. Activities may include gardening, walking, cross country skiing/ snowshoeing, mindfulness, outdoor games, nature appreciation, and more. Actvities will take place indoors and outdoors throughout the semsester on Vanier campus and the surrounding area.
In this class the students will be exposed to a variety of weight training programs and their relationships to an overall fitness program. This will be accomplished through the use of selected weights and weight training machines with the addition of a cardiovascular component.
Yoga is a way of moving into stillness. The practice of yoga is the practice of meditation in postures (asanas), sitting meditation, and breathing exercises. Through exercises and movements, the student will come to feel more balanced, centered, coordinated, flexible and strong. In yoga practice, we concentrate on the body, the breath and the mind - the purpose of yoga being unification.
This class is a combination of cardio and muscular conditioning exercises where students will learn a variety of exercise options for flexibility as well as for muscular strength and endurance. The cardio component will be developed through indoor and outdoor activities.
"This course is designed to expose students to downhill skiing or snowboarding. All skill levels are welcome. This course culminates with two full-day trips to ski or snowboard in the Laurentians. The organization is such that everyone from beginner to expert will improve their skills. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Snowboard/ski rental available at hill. Bus, lift tickets included in course fees. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"In this course, students will prepare and take part in a 3-day Bike-Touring & Camping trip from Vanier to Oka. Students will learn road and bicycle safety, route planning, some basic bike maintenance, and group riding skills. Students will also be involved in learning about, developing and participating in their own 8-week personal fitness program. NOTES: Must have adequate biking abilities. Must supply your own well functioning bicycle and your own well-fitting helmet. Other equipment included. Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"Students will learn the basics of travelling and camping in a canoe. The course includes classroom lectures where students will learn about paddling skills, food packing, shelter, navigation, etc. The course includes at least one day of practicing canoe skills and one day of practicing camping skills. NOTES: Must be comfortable in the water. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This course will introduce students to cycling skills in order to safely cycle for fitness and for transport in the Montreal area. Students will learn road and bicycle safety, route planning, some basic bike maintenance, and group riding skills. Trips will be from 30-50 km in and around the montreal area. Students will have to use public transport to get to meeting points. Bicycle rentals are included in the cost of the course. NOTES: Must have basic biking abilities. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This course is designed to teach novice and intermediate students how to cross country ski. Weekend day trips for the practical sessions will take place in the Laurentians or close to Montréal. All equipment is supplied. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"In this course, students will learn cross country ski technique and will go on a two-day trip including an overnight in heated refuges. Students will learn winter travel technique, hut-based camping skills, basic navigation and other outdoor skills. Students will be responsible for providing food for the trip but all camping and ski gear is provided. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This course will allow the student to recognize and explore individual sources of stress. It will provide the opportunity to participate in a variety of fitness activities as well as practice various physical and mental relaxation techniques, thus assisting the student in dealing with personal stress. NOTES: Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This class is a combination of walking and Yoga. Walking will take place outdoors during each class followed by a Yoga workout including yoga postures, meditation postures (asanas), sitting meditation, and breathing exercises. NOTES: Appropriate footwear strongly recommended. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"In this course, students will learn to plan, prepare, and work as a team to complete a multi-day trip including hiking/backpacking and camping. Students will prepare their food and sleep in small groups. Topics include navigation, hiking/backpacking skills, outdoor cooking, campsite setup, firebuilding, etc. Students are responsible for providing their clothing and food, but all technical hiking and camping equipment will be provided by the college. NOTES: Appropriate footwear strongly recommended. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed. *At any point in the semester, for pedagogical and safety reasons, this course could be changed to an intensive non-activity-specific Physical Education class. "
"Students will be introduced to winter outdoor activities: snowshoeing, cross-country-skiing, skating, as well as basic winter survival and first aid skills. This is an introductory course to basic outdoor skills. Students will also learn a variety of exercise options for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility, designed to improve their fitness level and performance. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsor; no absences will be allowed."
"Students will be introduced to winter outdoor activities: snowshoeing, cross-country-skiing, skating, as well as basic winter survival and first aid skills. This is an introductory course to basic outdoor skills. Students will also learn a variety of exercise options for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility, designed to improve their fitness level and performance. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsor; no absences will be allowed."
"Students will learn basic mountain biking skills and simple bicycle mechanics. This course includes 2 one-day Mountain Biking excursions. All skill levels are welcome. Transportation, mountain bikes and safety gear will be provided. Students will also learn a variety of exercise options for cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility, designed to improve their fitness level and performance. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Must have adequate biking abilities. Mountain bike supplied. You must bring your own helmet. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"Understanding the use of map and compass as navigation skills in the outdoors, students will learn how to set up and complete a variety of orienteering courses around Vanier and Montreal. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels. NOTES: Appropriate footwear strongly recommended. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"In this course, students will learn the basics of rock climbing at the college’s climbing walls, then apply that learning to a weekend course outing in order to become capable of climbing outdoors autonomously. Climbing, belaying, anchors, rappelling and safety will be covered. Harnesses, helmets, shoes, ropes, and hardware are provided. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This course will prepare students in basic wilderness survival techniques including fire building, shelter building, water purification, and navigation. The course includes a 3-day field outing in which participants will travel and “survive” on the land in autonomous groups. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This course exposes students to urban wilderness landscapes on the island of Montreal through snowshoeing and cross country skiing. Students will explore the natural spaces that are close to home. This course includes 2 separate weekend day trips. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"This course allows students to gain proficiency in Whitewater Kayaking. Students will learn the skill progression in the Vanier pool and then head to the local rivers for 2 weekend day trips to apply their learning. All equipment is provided. Ability to swim required. NOTES: Must know how to swim. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"By training through walking, a low-stress activity, students will be exposed to the basic principles of training for fitness. Students should come to appreciate how physical fitness can contribute to their own health and well-being, even during the winter months. Walking sessions will take place outdoors. Weekend sessions consist of long walks in parks around the Montreal area. NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Appropriate footwear strongly recommended. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"Yoga is a way of moving into stillness. The practice of yoga is the practice of meditation in postures (asanas), sitting meditation, and breathing exercises. Through exercises and movements, the student will come to feel more balanced, centered, coordinated, flexible and strong. In yoga practice, we concentrate on the body, the breath and the mind - the purpose of yoga being unification. This Yoga Retreat course includes a multi-day off-campus retreat. Meals, lodging, transportation, and personal transformation included. NOTES: Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
In this course, students will learn and practice efficient running technique, as well as muscle conditioning, mobility, and flexibility for running. Students will have the option of registering for a race on or around the island of Montreal and running the race accompanied by the teacher and their classmates. This class is open to all students regardless of current running ability.
"This course is similar in nature to the range of fitness courses offered but students will also use the pool environment. A variety of exercise programs and fitness activities will be used. Pool games will help to increase cardio-vascular fitness and will focus on friendly competition. NOTE: Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"Students will learn and practice a variety of team sports which may include, but is not limited to, soccer, flag football, rugby, basketball, volleyball, tchoukball, dodgeball and floor hockey. Students will become knowledgeable with the rules, required skills and game strategies. Students will also be exposed to a variety of fitness activities designed to improve their fitness level and performance. NOTE: Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"In this class students will practice volleyball skills such as the serve, the bump, volley, the spike and the block. Through practice drills and play student will be able to improve their skills, and enjoy the game of volleyball. Students will also participate in a variety of fitness workouts to develop cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility levels. NOTE: Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
"In this course, students will learn about the links between sustainability, well-being, and fitness, and will learn skills to improve their fitness and well-being in a sustainable way. Activities may include gardening, walking, mindfulness, cycling, outdoor games, nature appreciation, and more. This intersession class will include 2 day-long outings accessible by public transit, foot and bicycle (rental included in cost of course). Students will be responsible for purchasing transit passes (zone A-C). NOTES: Appropriate outdoor clothing required. Equipment included, beginners welcome. Attendance at ALL sessions is compulsory; no absences will be allowed."
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