
Vanier College maintains the level of Excellence as a Cégep Vert 2023-2024

November 1, 2024

Once again, this year, Vanier College is proud to announce that it has received Excellence Level certification as a Cégep Vert du Québec for 2023-2024 from ENvironnement JEUnesse (ENJEU). To maintain a level of excellency, Vanier fulfilled several criteria including continuing to implement past sustainability measures while introducing several new ones to meet EnJeu’s excellency conditions. The following are just a few of the college’s noteworthy achievements.

This past year, Vanier College created a new permanent full-time sustainability position, developed a strategy to meet its 2030 carbon neutrality goals, attended a lake-side retreat focusing on environmental and sustainability issues, and supported Vanier Student Life that acted as a mentor for the Select Aviation College to engage its students in sustainability. The College also continued to support, maintain and promote ongoing improvement measures such as the Campus Biodiversity Network and its activities, Vanier’s food forest and tree planting activities, electric car parking stations and many other initiatives.

“We are very proud that Vanier has achieved high recognition for its efforts towards improving sustainability. Addressing environmental issues is one of the college’s priorities, and we couldn’t have received this recognition without the invaluable contributions from stakeholders across the Vanier community,” says Stewart Wiseman, Manager Health, Safety & Sustainability at Vanier College.

In awarding Vanier with Cégep Vert du Québec Excellence certification, EnJeu Québec underlined the College’s strong environmental leadership specifically as regards awareness. The selection committee that analyzed Vanier’s achievements stated it was particularly impressed by the level of participation in Vanier’s events and the attention paid to awareness activities that attracted a high number of participants and addressed an interesting variety of themes. The committee was not only struck by the number of events held but also the quality of Vanier’s reporting on its activities.

In addition, the ENvironnement JEUnesse team congratulated Vanier for the Sustainability Symposium held on campus in the spring. The Symposium would not have been possible without the involvement and commitment of teachers and other personnel at Vanier.

 Congratulations to all members of the Vanier Community for their work in supporting the college’s sustainability efforts and projects.



Corriveau, MargueriteCommunications Advisor
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