Childcare Management RAC

  • Program Type

    Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC)

  • Backend tags


  • Diploma equivalence


  • Competencies evaluated


  • Program length

    4-6 months (525 hours)

  • Course format


Unlock your Leadership Skills in ECE: Gain recognition for your skills with RAC Evaluation

This program is designed to train individuals currently working in the field of Early Childhood Education in Quebec.  Individuals will be evaluated on acquired competencies related to managing materials, financial and human resources to run a successful childcare service.

The objective of the program is to meet the training needs of managers and directors in early childhood centers (CPEs), private daycares (Garderies), and school-based childcare services, as well as Home Childcare Providers. This program is fully online, evenings and weekends, and offers candidates the ability to be certified with an AEC through the RAC evaluation process. Candidates will leave the RAC process with an AEC in Business Administration (410 - LCA.AW). 

The AEC in Childcare Management evaluates the following attitudes and qualities through the RAC process: 

  • Organization to oversee childcare facilities 
  • Attention to detail in applying regulations & policies 
  • Management skills to guide a team of educators & service personnel 
  • Effective communicator with all stakeholders 
  • Rigorous attention to a safe, healthy childcare environment 

Why choose this program?

  • Validate your ECE skills 
  • Benefit from a flexible timeline to gain recognition 
  • Meet with RAC content specialists 
  • Verify your expertise through the Critical Validation Interview 
  • Have your skills recognized and credited 

What are my options after graduating?

  • Daycare Technician 
  • Daycare director 
  • CPE director 
  • Home Childcare Service 
  • Manager of a Coordinating Office 

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Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC) programsGeneral inquiries
Continuing EducationT. 514.744.7500 x 6066
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