Thinking of applying to Vanier College in a regular Diploma of College Studies program? This page will walk you through each step of the admission process.
If you are planning on applying to a regular Diploma of College Studies program, you'll only be able to apply to 1 program at a time, so it's important that you find the program for you.
Make sure you fulfill all admission requirements. There are general cegep admission requirements that apply to all programs, no matter which one you choose, but many programs also have specific requirements like prerequisites.
Prerequisites are usually secondary school courses you must have taken before you can continue on to the cegep-level. You must have completed these courses or be in the process of completing them at the time of your application to qualify for your program of study.
Prerequisites are listed on each program page on this site. If you are missing the prerequisite course(s), your application will be considered based on the program you are applying to.
It is often preferable to choose a Springboard program that suites your profile, so that you may complete all required prerequisites before applying into your target program.
On occasion, very strong students may be admitted on the condition that the missing prerequisite course be completed in the summer. This applies more often to career programs. If this is your case, include a letter in your SRAM application indicating your intentions.
SRAM (Service régional d'admission du Montréal métropolitain) is the centralized application centre for a number of cégeps in Québec, including Vanier College.
If you're applying to Vanier for a Diploma of Collegial Studies program, you must apply on the SRAM application site.
Most students start their studies in the Fall. The Fall semester runs from late August to mid-December.
Some programs are open for admission in the winter. The winter semester runs from late January to mid-May.
SRAM uses what is called a Round system. This means you can only choose 1 program in 1 SRAM cegep at a time. If ever you are not admitted, you can try again in subsequent rounds.
The admissions decision will be posted on your online SRAM account. Round 1 decisions are usually posted in early April for the fall semester, and mid November for the winter semester.
If you are admitted, you'll receive all the information for the next steps either via email or mail.
If you are not admitted, the next recommended steps will be provided to you on your online SRAM account.
Verdicts are never given by phone. The College can only communicate with the student directly for anyone 18 years or older.
Congratulations! You've been accepted to a great college and we can't wait to welcome you!
You must now confirm you accept Vanier's admission offer by a specific deadline. The admissions letter will include the instructions to create your Omnivox account, Vanier's student portal, and instructions to confirm your acceptance.
If you were accepted and still have not received these instructions for Omnivox, check your spam for an email from or contact the Admissions Office.
Registration is the process of choosing your courses and making your schedule for the upcoming semester. This is done through the Vanier Omnivox portal. Check out the Regstration guide for all the details.