English Courses for Teenagers

  • Program Type

    Language School

  • Language


  • Level

    Intermediate - Advanced

  • Location

    Main Campus (Saint-Laurent)

  • Course format


  • Course load

    Part-time (Saturday)

These courses are designed for students that want to practice their spoken English by doing different activities to learn vocabulary and grammar, as well as students in French high schools who are thinking of applying to an English college.

Students must have an Intermediate Level (B1) or higher in order to take this course.

Courses available

English Academic Writing

Offered in: Spring, Fall

The emphasis will mainly be on reading and writing, with many activities to improve spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Students will practice essay structure and other elements of academic language. Students will be expected to write book reports and keep a journal.

English Oral Communication

Offered in: Winter

The class is student-centered and focused on pair work, role-play activities and active learning. Participants who complete this course gain the skills needed to confidently engage in exchanges both in academic settings and daily life.


$330 / 40-hour course

Discount of $30 available for returning students

Age: 13-17

Upcoming Session

English Academic Writing For Teens
Dates April 26th - June 28th 
Schedule Saturday
Time 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline Thursday, April 26th
Make-up Class July 5th

Can't pay online?

Missed the registration deadline?

Fill out the Registration Form and send it to us by email at languageschool@vaniercollege.qc.ca.  We will inform you whether it will be possible to join the class.

Contact us


Language SchoolReception
Continuing EducationT. 514.744.7897
Send email