
Black History Month 2025

February 3-February 28On campus

Black History Month aims to fight Anti-Black racism and advance efforts to decolonize the school environment. Indeed, ur goals focus first, on changing the narrative inherited from the colonial mechanism whereby Blacks are portrayed egatively, then, on assserting our rights to self representation, and voicing our amazing inheritance built through victory over slavery, discrimination and other obstacles. Through different activities in February, we unveil a brighter perspective that instills knowledge of self, pride and an urgency to reframe the Black experience, and finally, lay the foundation to build a safe space that nurtures respect, constructive discussion and inclusion. 

Join us for our events from February 3 to 28 as we celebrate Black History Month:

Le mot en n : histoire d’une oppression raciale
Danielle Altidor Ph.D. Vendredi 7 février, salle A-001H, 8h30-9h30

Racisme antinoir et éducation antiraciste : Défis et pistes de transformation en milieu collégial 
Vendredi 14 février, salle A-001H, 10h-11h15

L’afrofuturisme et l’afroféminisme
Sponsored by the Vanier College Library Book Reading Series
Mardi 18 février à la bibliothèque du cégep Vanier F-300, 10h-11h15

How might trauma-informed practices be used as a method of care in educational spaces?
Mercredi 19 février U.B. 12h-13h30, salle F-216

Valérie Bah : auteure québécoise
Mardi 25 février de 10h à 11h au D-541